net Gnomesword for Linux installation

(1) To configure the Module Manager, go to Edit > Module Manager in the toolbar. The Manager window will open. Select sword > Sources in the side panel.

(2) Click the Add button just below and to the right of the Current Remote Sources window. A dialog box will open:

      (a) Enter a Caption for the Library, for example:
      (b) Leave the Type set for FTP, and enter: in the top URL text box.
      (c) Enter /sword/ in the lower URL text box and then click OK.

(3) Click sword > Configure in the Module Manager side panel. Select the Remote radio button, and then pick the source from the Install Source dropdown combo box. Select the ~/.sword radio button from the list of Install Destinations, then click the Refresh button.

Note: if you install your modules in another location make sure that you have the proper file permissions to read and modify that directory's contents.

(4) Click Modules > Install in the Module Manager side panel. Click the Refresh button.

(5) Expand the trees and make individual module selections by ticking the checkboxes.  We suggest that you begin by installing netfree.  This is a free limited edition of net that contains the first three notes only in each chapter.  You may wish also to try netnotesfree, which carries the limited set of notes as a commentary module, and you may like to look at nettext as well.  It is likely net will be your final choice for Gnomesword.  When you are happy with what you see, you may wish to take one or both premium modules - net and/or netnotes.  Before you do this, you will need to visit our shop and purchase the unlock key.

(6) Click the Install button.

If you decide to install the Premium net and/or NetNotes modules, you will need to provide a Cipher key to unlock them. See the *Note* below.

      (a) From the Main Gnomesword Window, expand the Biblical Texts > English tree in the Bookshelf side panel. Click on the net Bible module, and open it in browser tab. Right mouse click in the text area of the net Bible tab, and select unlock this module from the pop-up context menu. Enter your Cipher key in the dialog box, and click OK.

      (b) Scroll down in the Main Gnomesword Window side panel, and expand the Commentaries > English tree, and repeat the unlocking procedure for the netnotes module.

*Note*: You may experience difficulty unlocking the modules with some versions of Gnomesword. When that happens, or if you wish to use the Premium net modules with other sword Project frontends like Bibletime or Jsword, you will have to edit the configuration files ~/.sword/mod.d/net.conf and ~/.sword/mod.d/netnotes.conf to supply the key. Just enter the key number with no extra spaces on the line in those files that begins with: CipherKey=. For example:


In either Nautilus or Konqueror select View > Show Hidden Files. Navigate to the .conf files and right click on them. Select a text editor like gedit or kedit from the pop-up context dialog. Enter your key number and File > Save your changes.

You may wish to backup your net.conf and netnotes.conf files. If you re-install the sword modules for any reason they will be lost or overwritten.

If you are an advanced user and prefer to use the raw zipfiles, then download and open the zip file from one of the links below. Make sure that the box is checked to allow unzipping into the correct directories as these do not yet exist in your installation. Make sure too that the button is checked to extract all files.

netfree is downloaded from
netnotesfree is downloaded from
and nettext
is downloaded from

The for-pay netnotes module is at

and the for-pay net module is at

After you have carried out a manual install of 'for-pay' modules, you will need to insert the unlock key manually into net.conf or netnotes.conf as shown above.

Our thanks to hwilkerson for these instructions.