NET Bible for the Macsword

Installing the net Bible on Macsword is relatively simple. To Begin, download the raw zip files from the website Note: At this time due to a limitation in the way Macsword handles popup notes, we are recomending that users of Macsword download the nettext and netnotesFREE. Both of these are free of charge, and will allow you to see what you will get. The limitation is that you will have only the first three notes for each chapter. You may then upgrade. It is at this point that you will need to have purchased the cipherkey before you can use netnotes. A cipherkey is not required for the free versions. The zip-files can be downloaded from and The for-pay netnotes module is at - but this will not work until the cipherkey is inserted (see last paragraph of this page).

Image of two files

Once you have Downloaded the Modules, navigate to where you chose to save them when you downloaded them, and then unzip them.

extracted copy

Open your applications folder and navigate to the Macsword Folder.

Macsword Folder

Open the Macsword Folder.

Open Macsword Folder

Open the Modules Folder

Selecting Mods.d

And drag in the two folders for the modules. (For netnotes, read netnotesfree unless you are installing the for-pay netnotes module).

Dropping the modules

If you have installed free modules only, you have completed the installation. When installing the 'for-pay' netnotes module, you will need to complete the following steps. First, open the net Notes Module folder.

net Notes Module Folder Open

Open the Mods.d Folder in the net Notes Folder.

Mods.d Folder Open

Open netnotes.conf (You may have to tell OS X to open the file with text edit).


Paste the cypherkey in the line that reads "CypherKey=" Save the file and launch Macsword. You should be able to open both the nettext module, and then open the net Notes in parallel

Last Updated on 05-Apr-2006 @ 1245 EDT

version 1 by Joshua Gould - uploaded by Barry Drake. Full acknowledgements and thanks to Joshua.