Bible Studies

Forgive the English introduction, but if you got this far, we hope you understand a little. Some of our readers have translated some of our studies into their native language and given us the documents for posting on our site. As we get more, we will post them here.

If you are interested in helping with the translation of our studies, click here.

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Amharic | Chinese | Japanese | Macedonian | Thai
Afrikaans Albanian (Shqip)
Kërkohen përkthyes vullnetarë Amharic Arabic Chinese (Traditional Script [used in Taiwan and elsewhere]) Chinese (Simplified Script [used in China and elsewhere]) Dutch
Recherche: Traducteurs Benevoles! German
Ehrenamtliche Übersetzer gesucht Indonesian
Dibutuhkan Penerjemah Sukarelawan Italian
Si richiedono traduttori volontari. Japanese Macedonian Polish
Potrzebni tłumacze – wolontariusze Portuguese Romanian
Kinyarwanda (Rwandan)
Hakenewe abitanga mu guhindura inyigisho mu ndimi z'amahanga. Spanish
Traductores, Son Bienvenidos Swedish Thai