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Conclusion: Finishing Well

This lesson is a summary of what we learned throughout this whole study. You will be asked to review your lessons from each section. This should involve a time of reflection as well as evaluation.

Day One Study

Read Hebrews 12:1-3. This has been our key passage for the study. Review the lesson titled “What Is Perseverance?” Skim through the questions and your answers as well as the boxes.

1 What does it mean to run the race of life with PERSEVERANCE?

2. What does the phrase “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith” have to do with how we “run?”

3. How does this benefit us?

Joseph: A Man Of Faith

4. Review the 3 lessons from the life of Joseph.

·         What one thing from Josephs life would you like to remember?

·         What is the most encouraging thing about living a life of faith that you have learned from studying Josephs life?

David: The Man After God’s Own Heart

5. Review the 3 lessons from the life of David.

·         What one thing from Davids life would you like to remember?

·         What is the most encouraging thing about living a life of faith that you have learned from studying Davids life?

Day Two Study

Elijah: God’s Humble Prophet

6. Review the 3 lessons from the life of Elijah.

·         What one thing from Elijahs life would you like to remember?

·         What is the most encouraging thing about living a life of faith that you have learned from studying Elijahs life?

Nehemiah: An Awesome Leader

7. Review the 2 lessons from the life of Nehemiah.

·         What one thing from Nehemiahs life would you like to remember?

·         What is the most encouraging thing about living a life of faith that you have learned from studying Nehemiahs life?

May God continually bless you as you run with PERSEVERANCE the race set before us.

Thoughts To Ponder

We have approached the Christian life as a subject to be learned rather than as a life to be lived. You can’t grow in grace in a classroom, through a seminar, or during a “quiet time,” as good as those things may be. As a matter of fact, you cannot grow in grace through reading a book…You can only grow in grace through a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who teaches you truth from His Word, which you then take out into the rough-and-tumble of real life in the real world. The “curriculum” cannot be planned or anticipated. Through the sovereignty of a loving God, the pathway we will tread in this fallen world will be as unique as each one of us...Whatever the situations in your life may be, that is where you will have to grow in spite of our personal failures and sins. How? As we focus on what God is doing in the midst of what we are doing (Hebrews 12:1,2). (Bob George, Growing in Grace, p. 13-15)

Related Topics: Curriculum, Faith

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