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Welcome! The fact you chose to do this study means you care about having a godly marriage, one that pleases the Lord. The focus of this study will be biblical premarital counseling, but the principles taught will be great for married couples as well. Unlike many premarital courses, we will not be focusing on psychology but on the Bible. We will do this because we believe in the sufficiency of Scripture. Second Timothy 3:16-17 says: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

The “good work” Scripture will prepare you for through this study is marriage. God made marriage (Gen 1:27). He ordained it; it is meant to reflect him (cf. 1 Cor 11:3, Eph 5:22-27), and he gives instructions in his Word on how it should be developed and maintained.

In this study, we will consider eight foundations for a godly marriage: God’s plan, gender roles, commitment, communication, conflict resolution, training children, finances, and intimacy. Like the foundation of any building, if there are cracks structurally, the house will have problems and may not last. As mentioned, each of these foundations will be built or restored using the Word of God. In speaking about the Christian’s life, Christ said the house built on the rock of his Word will stand (Matt 7:24-25). Certainly, this is true of marriages as well.


This will be a demanding study. For counseling purposes, this is best completed along with your mate under a mentor or a mentor couple. However, this study will also be a blessing to those studying individually or in a small group. The expectations for each session are as follows:

  1. Read the lesson and complete the homework individually.
  2. Discuss the answers to the homework with your mate (and/or small group).
  3. Discuss the answers with a mentor or a mentor couple to gain their insight and counsel if at all possible.

This study is eight sessions. You should aim to complete at least one session a week. For further information, please look through the appendices. May God greatly enrich your study!

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